Tuesday 10 March 2009

Inaccurate Ramblings About Our World and Humankind.

This is a copy of an email I just sent to my faithful cousin Olympia. Her blog is somewhere, when I find it I'll shove the link in -here-. Also, I do apologise for my improper use of words and punctuation, because when I'm emailing my cousin I tend not to give a shit, and she generally knows what I mean. But I decided to post this because I haven't posted anything in ages, and I'm not bothered to edit it to make it sound good for my blog. So here we are:

For the first time ever I'm going to use proper punctuation in my email because it makes me sound smarter. I was thinking about all this stuff and I had to write it all down, and I thought you might be interested to hear, since you're pretty philosophical.

We, as a people, are people that speak for the planet, and speak about "saving our planet", when really we are just wanting to save our people. What ever happens to the world - through global warming; ice caps melting and what have you, will happen to the planet, and the planet will still be existing. The planet couldn't give a stuff about humans, they're just an insignificant existence that the planet can shrug off it's shoulders. We're making such a big fuss about everything to save humans, and to save people. This is what activists should be saying. It's the humans striving to survive, and to save humankind, using the only thing they were given for survival: our brain.

But think about it. Animals such as lions and deer and birds all have features that are the reason they survive. But humans don't physically have any features on their body, in the whole of their mechanism, that would enable them to survive in the wild, except for their brain. They use their brain to create ways to fend for themselves. They invent things - like spears and stuff that the cavemen developed; and the wheel - and thus everything keeps developing from the last thing they invented. We've created our own world over thousands of years, and the thought of all of it, every last bit of it, being washed away to never exist anymore, is devastating for humankind. The whole world, to us, is what we've created. Cities, schools, airplanes, cars, houses, zoos. All of it that we've created ourselves, just being completely wiped. All this effort, and most importantly all this rich invention and beautiful creations, and music and art, just being completely discarded, with no witness. It really makes you realise what we really are and what we've done to the world, and how we rule it, how we change it.

I highly doubt that you haven't thought about all this before, but I'm just sort of putting it out there.

Now, I have the solution for the horrible creation that is poverty; the third world; developing countries, whatever you want to call it. Suffering. That's a good name. Anyway. All the developed countries and continents like America, and the Commonwealth, and most of Europe, are all developed, and have already gone through the changes and developments that developing countries, such as India and China, are going through as we speak. But the problem is, to try and "save our planet", we would have to make those developing countries stop what they're doing - which is what the developed countries did about a hundred years ago and which made a huge impact on the world, especially in terms of global warming. If they were to do what the developed countries did a hundred years ago in order to develop, the world would surely end, if global warming is true. The things include mass economical and industrial change, and we all know that factories and manufacturers produce greenhouse gases.

I seriously hope all this makes sense. If it doesn't, then you should annotate or comment on the parts you don't get like right next to them in bold. I also haven't done any research like at all, and if I was actually bothered I would research exactly what changes occurred when the now developed countries were developing, although I do know from the things I've learned that in places like London there was certainly poverty and a cast system in the late 1800's and early 1900's (a hundred years ago), which resembles what's happening in India right now.

Anyway, the solution is simple. Instead of handing the third world countries money, we should simply try and advance them to our level by teaching them the skills and the theories and plainly educate them. If we just hand them money, they'll carry on doing what they're doing, but with more money. And like gun lords and stuff would take the money and create weapons to protect the money, and there will be fights over the money, and nothing would get done.
Instead of students spending money on going to a country to relax in their gap year, they should go to places and educate people that need educating. I'm saying they should do this because it's literally like if we don't, then we'll all die. If we don't get all humans educated enough to not have to go through another industrial change, then we will have killed humankind. Our situation is that delicate, as we should already know from all the fuss about global warming.

I'm thinking about all this because really, we're young now, and we are yet to live our lives, and we are basically the future, and if we don't do something we will be screwed. I have lots more that I think about but I can't think of anything now. Plus I have to do my Maths homework.

Love Jazi xx

And there you have it. Please comment. And I know some things I said may be untrue. You are welcome to correct me. Thaaaaanks.

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Saturday 20 December 2008

The Tracey Fragments

'When a horse falls, foam comes out of its mouth. When it falls, the legs of the horse thrash and the horse is no good... So somebody shoots it. The horse turns into glue. A machine puts the glue into bottles and children squeeze the bottles to get the glue out and stick bits of paper onto cards. Glue gets on the children's hands and the children eat the glue. And the children become the horse.' -Tracy Berkowitz

'I don't like the country. Creeps me out. In the country, dead bodies live in swamps, and ditches, and shallow graves. A man dumps the body of a girl in a ditch. The body rots; Melts into slime. Flowers pop up where the body lies, seeds fly out of the flowers, and a bee sucks the flowers and makes honey. And then the family of the girl buys the honey from the store. And the family eats the girl.' -Tracey Berkowitz

'He stuck his cock in me and said I love you, in that exact order. Now I'm not afraid to die. 'Cause like birds and bees and bugs, they all die after they fuck.' -Tracey Berkowitz

I love this movie.

Look, I'm not what you think. I'm not junk, I'm not a dink. I'm not garbage flowers you leave to rot and stink, and smell, and curl up all dry and papery so they crumble as crusty as the flowers on this fucked up shower curtain.' -Tracey Berkowitz

One day you fall for this boy. And he touches you with his fingers. And he burns holes in your skin with his mouth. And it hurts when you look at him. And it hurts when you don't. And it feels like someone's cut you open with a jagged piece of glass.' -Tracey Berkowitz

'Remember in the news? When two retards had a kid? Well, that was me.'
-Tracey Berkowitz

'I kinda like to ride a different bus every night depending on my mood. Like, if I'm depressed, I enjoy being around other depressed people. And happy people, they frickin depress me! You know?
' -Tracey Berkowitz

Tracey Berkowitz played by Ellen Paige (from Juno). You gotta see it.

Thursday 18 December 2008

Key to Living.

I've just realised something, after reading a new post on a friend's blog, where he explains how he never seems to feel like he's living in the moment - really involving himself in life, and how he feels slightly detached, and then wondering why this could be - whether it's being overly mature, lack of experiences in life, or not having experienced passion and romantic relationships.

I've decided that it could be the amount of unpleasant experiences - whether it be throughout childhood, bad relationships, anything - is key to how you experience life. I believe this because, for one, you cannot truly have a great experience without having something to compare it to, and if you've had particularly horrible experiences, you're going to think the experience you're comparing them with is really good. This is why I value crappy experiences so much, which sounds stupid, but I really believe that we learn from everything.

What I guess I'm saying is, the worse experiences you've had, the more you're going to enjoy your life. I can honestly back this up by saying that I've experienced numerous amounts of shitty things throughout my short life, including domestic violence, poverty in different countries, divorce, moving across the face of the Earth leaving loved ones behind, being savagely bullied, and a whole lot of really shitty situations. But this means I value life a whole lot more, and I frequently smile at little things the world can offer. Like walking home from school, and seeing mothers with their tiny children smiling and laughing - my heart leaps, and I really hope they cherish moments they have for all they're worth.

So when opportunities come around that offer any enjoyment, I say take them, and if they ever go wrong you can learn something. I take pride in being adventurous, and I'm not really afraid of anything anymore.

The Bird and the Worm.

This kid is a worm. A nervous, tiny, squirming thing filled to the brim with uncertainty. Under constant attack. I wish I could say that since this kid in fact is a worm, he doesn't have feelings. But he does. His emotions run his life. He calls himself a lonely child instead of an only child. The idea of confidence laughs in his vulnerable face.
Hidden inside the shelter of what he thinks he needs to be accepted by his fellow peers, what is supposedly "cool", he trudges through the slushy mud that is the only thing that holds all these school children together. He searches for a safe haven where he can find people to hide between.

This kid is a freaking bird. A sly, swift, vicious girl. She looms over her prey... watching, waiting. She mingles with the right crowds, pushes down everything underneath her as she soars off into a social high. It only takes her seconds to sniff out the faint-hearted, and she's darting towards them, intimidating... capturing... devouring. It makes her feel powerful.

It was purely due to their characteristics that they ended up in her room. She was a bird that played with her food, he was a worm that took stupid risks to survive. He sat on her bed, completely out of place, and slightly terrified. He kept to himself, and tried to imagine being as small as possible, while she attempted to drag him into her ruse with those dark, tauntingly irresistible eyes, and that wickedly inviting smile.
"What's wrong? Haven't you ever been in a girl's room before or someshit?" He felt his stomach flutter as she addressed him. He heard the sneer in her tone, and felt his hands shake and his heart race. He stuttered in a wave of panic. He was supposed to answer, and he had no idea what to say. "Come on... don't be scared!" She was gaining power; it was evident in her voice. She fed off the pure panic perceptible in his fearful round eyes.
[unfinished - stay tuned.]

[6/01/10] So I'm reading this after I wrote it like a year ago. I want to find out what happens next, just like some of my friends do. Here goes.
She searches around in her pockets, her every slight movement purposeful and casual. Packet of cigarettes. Pink lighter. His dad died from shit-filled lungs, booze and what the world had done to him, all built up and spun around in a blender. His mum took the lid off there were his ashes.
"Want one?" She holds out a Mayfair.
"Y-y..yeah." He swallows. He puts it in his mouth, she lights and he coughs. She smiles, amused and a little disapproving; not unlike a mother watching her five-year-old son finding out what sticking your middle finger up means. He takes it out of his mouth, holding it between his thumb and index finger as if it were a living thing. Maybe a worm.
"You're really boring." She states, then sighs and glances out the window. "Hah look, it's snowing." It was too. Huge round flakes landed on the ground. She looked back at the boy. "It's like God's having a mass wank session." She grins. "Ash here by the way. What you trying to do, burn the freaking house down?" He had been silent for a while. Up 'till this point the worm boy had been sitting on the very edge of her bed staring out the window, trying to breath normally and maybe summon up the courage to tell her he needs to leave. At the sound of her last remark he looked at the cigarette, same place he'd left it in his right hand, burning through fast. The pure white paper of the unburned side was being slowly overtaken and possessed with scarring, charring fire. Fire. Jimi Hendrix. Only Jimi saw him naked.
"I have to go." It was like someone else had said it. He got up and walked out of her room, dizzily stumbling. He made it out the door. He didn't know in which direction the tube station was but he wanted to walk around for a bit.

Saturday 13 December 2008

Contrasting my life.

The luxuriously lavish hall was complimented by an equally opulent crowd, the atmosphere flowing with formal and properly pronounced language, accented with sharp, piercing outbursts of ugly laughter and pompous remarks. The audience had risen from their seats, fingers clutching half empty glasses of wine, and as the half hour break in the performance proceeded, socialites gathered to gossip.
The wide stage was hidden behind luscious red velvet curtains, and the walls and ceiling were delicately carved and painted with soft coloured murals of angels. Dizzyingly strong scents of expensive perfumes and cigars bloomed from women and men’s elaborate clothing, as did wine and chocolate explode from each of their mouths as they carelessly babbled.
Talk time was over. The throng slowly took their seats once more as the curtains pulled back to unleash a booming voice erupting from a short, red-faced chubby man wearing ornate clothing - a gold and red waistcoat on top of a white frilly shirt, and smart black trousers. The crowd silently nodded in approval occasionally throughout the duration of this man’s well-respected and thunderous performance.

The hall was full of smoke produced by smoke machines surrounding the stage. Rainbow lights that flashed around wildly reflected the crowd’s collective energy as they bounced and sweated like a sea before the stage. The deafening scratchy sound system flaunted the band’s grungy, unruly music that was accented by the screeches coming out of teenage girls reaching towards their Gods.
Drunken brawls broke out and people stumbled about after taking too many drugs that dispersed quickly from dealers. The stuffy air was filled with scents of cheap cigarettes and strong alcohol.
Chaos erupted as the deafening wailing of sirens surrounded the location, and the crowd spilled out onto the streets as the band still violently performed in protest.

Religions of the World

NOTE: I didn't write this, I saw it on a T-Shirt in Camden Markets & thought it was pretty awesome.


Taoism: Shit Happens.
Hare Krishna: Shit Happens Rama Rama Ding Ding.
Hinduism: This Shit Happened Before.
Islam: If Shit Happens, Take A Hostage.
Zen: What Is The Sound Of Shit Happening?
Buddhism: When Shit Happens, Is It Really Shit?
Confucianism: Confucius Say, "Shit Happens."
7th Day Adventist: Shit Happens On Saturdays.
Protestantism: Shit Won't Happen If I Work Harder.
Catholicism: If Shit Happens, I Deserve It.
Jehovah's Witness: Knock, Knock, "Shit Happens".
Unitarian: What Is This Shit?
Mormon: Shit Happens Again & Again & Again.
Judaism: Why Does This Shit Always Happen To Me?
Rastafarianism: Let's Smoke This Shit.


Uber Ikea Awesomeness!

I have a ton of memories from hanging out in Ikea with friends in Aus. Jumping on the beds, playing hide & seek, causing havoc all around, attempting to live in those rooms, you name it. But this, this is insane.
My friend sent me this link. You can make the people in this dance. No kidding. You can upload your own music, speak into a microphone or use your keyboard.


To my vast amusement, I uploaded Sugar Sugar by the Archies & made those two guys dance to it. Hilarious.
