Friday, 12 December 2008

Being true to yourself. (short)

I have a tendency to act like a moron. But it's this intentional thing I've developed from Year 5. I act like a dimwit until I really feel the need to act intelligent. Is this mere laziness? Could be. But there is a reason: if I fool people to think that I have the mental capacity of a wet towel, there's a good chance my sudden burst of cleverness will surprise them, and leave a better impression than if they already knew i was remotely clever.
Although I'm not really that clever. Maybe this illusion makes people see otherwise.

I also want to note that I sort of.. apologise for my last post (slightly off-topic, but meh). It wasn't that great & I was in a hurry. If you think it was crap, hopefully I can change your mind in the near future. Not about it, but about me. Ehh. Yeah.
I'm currently writing like 3 different things... whenever I get an idea I start writing it, and then stop when I can't think of anything else to put, and try to complete another one. So far I'm not conjuring anything particularly magical.

Stay tuned, though. :)


  1. Jack, my closest bestie (not in location though) & everlasting significant other, wanted me to post for him, as he can't do it himself:

    "Thats so true
    when i first met you i thought 'oh man what a moron, this girl has no hope'
    but now...hmm well its kinda the same xD

    Aww you know im kiddin jazzi =D I love you and your intelligence"

  2. slight improvement; us bloggers say "last post", not "last blog", as that would imply our last website. just so ya know :D

  3. Woo Go Year 5 !
