Wednesday, 10 December 2008


Crap yeah, it's blogging time. Who the hell am I? Well, I'm 14-year-old-Jazi-from-Mars. I'm originally from Sydney, Australia, but certain circumstances bound me up & shipped me to bright, warm, sunny London. 'Tis the first time I've ever been to a "private" school - I gotta tell ya, it's pretty dayum posh. The thing that bugs me mega though, is the amount of rules. Like, in Aus, I could actually wear my nose ring, and they actually let me dye my hair rainbow. Here, I can't wear my hair out, let alone exhibit myself in all my unruly glory.

Maybe it's because I look young. And that uberly bugs me. I remember being on the bus in the city in Aus one day, in broad daylight, with my cousin & friends, while I was slightly drunk. I must have been doing something to disturb the lady in front of me, because she turned around & bellowed "What are you, 10!?", and stormed off the bus. I just stared after her. I could have cried. And then there's the people that ask me what year I'm in. "What year are you in?" "I'm in year 10." "...what... really?" Yeah, friggin ass.

Another thing that bugs me is annoyingly dimwitted people. Someone in my year: "FUCK MAN, IT'S 'CAUSE I'M BLACK INNIT?!" Uhh, no. Shut up. Oh, and bad music taste. Someone asked me today if I liked Akon. I said "What... Are you serious? What do you think?" They said yes. I gave them a look of revulsion and started babbling about how sexist that shit is. When they looked at me in confusion I patted their arm and said "You've got a lot to learn, man."

But then again, contradicting my last two paragraphs, I can be dayum immature. Like today, my friend came in with crutches (she did something to her foot), and we spent most of the day pretending they were machine guns, and then lightsabers. We killed approximately 18 students and 4 teachers, one of the teacher's head being blown to smithereens. Then we lay on the floor in the last period & laughed & shot some people & laughed some more.

Anway, I gotta go do my English essay.

Ciao mofo.


  1. haha awesomeness, I'm so happy you made one =]

    keep it up; I'll be sure to keep reading!

  2. The good thing about reading people who you know's blogs.
    When they inference unnamed people with quotes like "FUCK MAN, IT'S 'CAUSE I'M BLACK INNIT?!" You can instantly tell who it is.
    Also that last part is ridiculous. Stop wasting money on ecstasy.

  3. Haha Love you Jasmin :P How do you follow the blog thing? I've been trying for Zonks and It's not working :(

  4. ahh you go onto your readers list & add me by entering my blog's url. i'll show you later if you still can't get it. xx
